Space Cadet 3D Pinball (Windows) (2025)

Samy 2024-07-30 1 point

it's a very nice game. I enjoy it

yeet 2024-07-20 1 point

Brings back so many memories!

Nick 2024-07-01 1 point

How do I uninstall the game from Windows?

mnkhprre 2024-06-15 1 point

if anyone play on macOS here is a macOS version.

KYRON4x4 2024-03-28 3 points

Thanks a million

Sinchrobater 2023-12-30 2 points

I remember playing this when I was a kid when my mom took me to her job for the first time. I had so much fun with it. Loved the song. It was stuck in my head forever

lobito 2023-12-14 2 points

en verdad es un entretenimiento bastante divertido

jose 2023-11-19 1 point

i played this back when all i had was a windows 95 computer with no internet

KitKat 2023-10-29 -2 points

Why can't the game go full screen, when I try to make it bigger it locks up. Very disappointing

farhad 2023-10-19 0 point

wow old windows xp

SkyRider 2023-09-10 -6 points

My Highest Score on this game was 10 billion points. True Story I'm not lying 2 U.

Munowara 2023-08-29 1 point

Thank you!

finn 2023-08-22 -1 point

help the paddles dont work for me
tilting does but not the paddles

Literally a kid who just experienced this game 2023-06-14 -1 point

Oh My God. This Is #3 on my favorite games to play. #1 is Minecraft, #2 is Team Fortress 2, and #3 is SPACE CADET PINBALL!!!

Raspy Rickert 2023-04-15 1 point

Thanks' for this old time game, it's just as fun as ever, I remember playing it when it came FREE with win 95 and it is just as much fun now as it was then, it looks and plays exactly like the original when it came out, The only thing that is different is the pullback of the pinball handle to deploy the pinball is seems to be a bit slower, but that ain't nothing, Thanks' again for the game and Great Job on keeping it Original

gnbman 2023-04-07 0 point

Is there a fix to get the music to play?

Jonnytrek 2023-03-24 0 point


Levitan 2022-08-24 4 points

Nice find! Thanks for the good times!

Hammer 2022-05-26 2 points

Love this game

Juanes 2022-05-14 2 points

This videogame is very fun}

Gabi97 2022-04-06 1 point

Big thank you for the creators!!! It brings back such amazing memories from my chilhood.
Thank you!!!

chikka 2022-03-04 2 points

great game

yomaaaah 2022-02-22 0 point


Nyoi gantenk 2022-01-31 20 points

Just saying that this game better than Fortnite. (0_0)

Carmona 2022-01-22 0 point

Interessante e envolvente.

Tommi 2022-01-01 0 point

i love that game is so cool

gpf 2021-12-27 0 point

I always liked this game but would like to also get into a competition situation on the web.
It would of course have to be web connected so that the results were accurate

luca 2021-11-19 1 point

es un juego con el que juge bastante tiempo y quisiera volver a jugarlo

Crashbandicoot 2021-06-17 0 point

Great game

wyatt 2021-06-10 0 point

I grew up playing this game all though out my life, never forget the good times

Headket 2021-05-15 0 point

I remember about my old Windows XP PC, thanks brother

V 2021-05-10 1 point

Thank you, I really like this game.

VIERRASTARR 2021-04-12 0 point

Loved this countless hours playing as a kid with my brothers and parents

ThijsL202 2021-04-09 1 point

Fun game, I always played this at school against my friends on our WinXP pc's

JRS 2021-01-14 0 point

Works like a charm and is still fun!

Bushwowoww u 2020-09-15 0 point

Ooooooo dos box!

Lbugs 2020-08-13 0 point

I took turns with my brothers playing this game for years

Hassan Rasheed 2020-05-21 1 point

I wasn't there when the game released, But its very good game!

N3RD 2020-05-13 1 point

I never got into this stuff because I wasn't around then, but god I love Pinball!!

Durukan 2020-04-13 1 point

My god..

MIC 2020-03-25 -2 points

This is a great game. Play it with your best friend or your husband, you'll have a blast!!

BIG TREV 2020-02-03 1 point

Used to love this

Tux 2019-12-13 1 point

I loved this game to pieces. I still do.

Alejandro 2019-10-10 23 points

A lot of memories with this game, I remember my dad playing this in our first PC, with Windows XP! So happy to find out this game again, miss u dad!!

josh47 40 2019-06-15 3 points

its ok but the picture show the full tilt pinball space cadet so next time use the proper pics

Loading... 2018-10-24 -6 points

yall know they got this on play store it's called xp pinball

JUDVS 2018-07-19 1 point

lost in the past. 2018-07-17 20 points

This was the shit back in my day. Who else?

Isiel 2018-06-29 4 points

What the hell happened to windows pinball games?

drew 2018-05-11 2 points

heck ya i use to play this on my old winxp laptop

Space Cadet 3D Pinball (Windows) (2025)


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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.